While adding to their cross stitch supply may present plenty of choices for folks who live in suburban areas, it is not so easy for many who live further afield!
Even those who live in large cities don't always have the ease of shopping that is available to some of us.
And no matter where we live, the fast pace of life and over-crowded stores are always something to contend with.
Luckily, the Web brings another source to our fingertips. Though online shopping has been available for several years now, many have only recently begun to feel comfortable buying their supplies that way. As a result, purchases made on the Web have increased at an amazing pace.
Click here to share your favorite online store for supplies!
During the U.S. 2009 holiday season alone (November to December 20), online retail sales reached $24.8 billion, a 4% increase over the same period in 2008, despite the state of the economy. Online sales have grown from nothing a few years ago to about 6% of all retail sales!
It seems inevitable that more of us will be using the Web to make our purchases.
So... Where are you buying your supplies online? Have you had good experiences? Bad ones?
Here is your chance to review your favorite (or not-so-favorite) online suppliers. Your reviews will help other stitchers decide where to shop for their floss, threaders and fabric, as well as stitchable towels, bookmarks, table runners and what not.
What's important to you? Is it a large inventory? Is it low price? Is Customer Service especially attentive? Or is it the site's security that attracts you?
Whatever it is, you likely have experience that will help other stitchers. Tell us about it!