To Protect Your Fabric When Using a Q-snap Frame

by Carol

When I purchased my first q-snap frame I noticed that the on-line store also sold q-snap covers made to fit the different size q-snap frames. I went ahead and bought one to fit the frame I purchased.

The cover fits over the frame once your project is in the frame and protects the project from dirt and oils. You can also tuck extra fabric into the cover as long as it's not too much extra fabric.

I've been using the cover as long as I've been using my frame and am glad I picked it up. I've found that you can also put the cover on before you put the q-snap clamps on thus protecting your stitches. I'm doing this instead of putting tissue paper between the frame and project. It's a bit of a tight fit but is working.

When I use it this way it makes it much easier to take the clamps off the frame.

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